
February 21, 2008

Share your CAB meeting reflections

I want to thank all of you who came to the CAB meeting tonight.  I cannot tell you how wonderful it was to see your faces and hear your thoughts. I see some people already made post-CAB comments in the previous post, so I imagined others would follow suit, and I wanted to make a place for all the post-CAB comments.  So feel free to share your impressions, feelings, thoughts in this post. I am sure Marc will write something to you tomorrow. -Jessica
February 13, 2008

2/13 I read the news today, oh boy…

Big news out today. Looks like Maryland will have two new faces in our Congressional delegation (unless Wayne Gilchrist and Albert Wynn choose to run as Independents and win). What are your thoughts? This could be the first competitive general election the Eastern Shore has seen in a couple decades. Does a Democrat have a chance on the Shore or is state senator Andy Harris going to sweep into office? What about Republican challengers to Donna Edwards?And of course, Obama wins in Maryland. Did you vote yesterday? I am still registered in Worcester County. I tried to travel home yesterday to vote. I meant to get an absentee ballot, but in the craziness that was my life the past two weeks, I plumb forgot. So I set out for Ocean City at 3:30 yesterday. I hit a wall of traffic several miles from the Bay Bridge and sat there until 6 pm, at which point I realized there was no chance I was going to make it home in time to vote. I won't make the same mistake in November! This is what we had planned to be discussing for the noon hour on the Steiner Show today. Since we're not there, give us your thoughts HERE. -Jessica
November 7, 2007

11/6 College Gender Gap


Thirty years ago, male students were in the majority on college campuses. Today women are outnumbering men at colleges and universities. While the number of women is increasing; educators are asking where  have the boys gone? There's been a significant drop in the number of men applying and attending college which is baffling educators.


October 2, 2007

10/2 Governor O’Malley’s Tax Plan

omalley.jpg Last week Governor O'Malley concluded a round a press conferences and kitchen table interviews with Maryland Residents to discuss his tax plan. This week Governor O'Malley is making the rounds of the media outlets to discuss his plan to close a projected $1.7 billion budget gap. Early thi s morning, Governor O'Malley sat down with Marc to discuss his tax plan. Yesterday, Maryland's GOP criticized the governor's tax plan saying it would hit working families harder and possibly force some to move out of the state. We talk with Governor O'Malley about his tax plan. Later in the hour we'll analyze the governor's tax plan with a panel of journalists.                                                                                                                            -Marcus
October 1, 2007

10/1/07 Stephen Mihm

When they came out with the "new money" a couple of years ago, there were massive technological advancements in the bills in order to deter counterfeiting.  I think on the whole the American public feels very confident about our money. When I am given change I don't inspect it, and when I give money to a clerk, unless it is a $100 bill, they don't inspect it.  It just changes hands without so much as a cursory glance. Now put yourself in the early 1800's.  You go down to Ye Olde Shoppe to purchase some dry goods.  You present the shop-keep with a one dollar bill from the Fairhaven Bank, a respected banking institution in Massachusetts.  The shop-keep reaches behind the counter and pulls out a pamphlet called a counterfeit detector.  He goes through the book, which includes a page that says that the Fairhaven bank has several known counterfeits.  He inspects your bill, checks the pamphlet, inspects your bill again.  Finally, he declares that he cannot be sure this is not a counterfeit. He'll still accept your bill-but not for the full price.  You haggle with the shop-keep until you both finally agree on a reduced value of the bill, and then you purchase your item, receive less change then you had hoped, and you exit the shop.  Can you imagine?  In a time when money was printed not by a central government branch but instead by individual banks, counterfeiting was a great way to "make money" (you love my puns). We'll learn today at one o'clock of the political and cultural system that allowed such a situation to develop.  Why did the government shy away from creating it's own money?  What caused us to develop the system we have today?  We'll talk with author Stephen Mihm, whose new book is A Nation of Counterfeiters: Capitalists, Con Men, and the Making of the United States.


September 27, 2007

9/27 Tavis Smiley

tavis.jpg Marc's guest this hour is Tavis Smiley who hosts signature national talk shows on both public television and radio. A former aide to the late Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley, Smiley made history in 2002 when he became the first African-American to host his own show on National Public Radio. Recognized by Time and Newsweek as one of America's most promising leaders, Tavis Smiley is in Baltimore to host an All-American Presidential Forum for PBS, tonight at Morgan State University. Tonight's forum will allow Republican Presidential candidates to address issues of concern for people of color. Tonight's debate, however, has not been without controversy. The leading contenders for the Republican nomination will not be in attendanc citing scheduling conflicts. After declining an invitation to debate on Univision, earlier this month, critics view this as evidence of the Republican party's lack of concern for minority issues. We'll talk about this issue and others with public radio and television host Tavis Smiley.                                                                                                                                   -Marcus
September 25, 2007

9/26 State Revenue and Taxes

If you've watched the local news or read the papers in the past week you've, no doubt, seen Governor O'Malley at kitchen tables to discuss his plan to restructure state income tax. Last week the governor climbed to a rooftop to discuss his vow to close corporate loopholes which have allowed large companies to avoid paying millions in local and state taxes. While Maryland is one of the wealthiest states, it's facing a looming fiscal crisis. Will making businesses pay more in taxes help the state's revenue? Marc and his guests will debate the issue of whether businesses pay their fair share of taxes.                                                                                                                                      -Marcus 
September 18, 2007

9/18 Maryland Horse Industry

quarter-horses.jpg The breeding and racing of horses has played an important part in Maryland's economic history.  A recent Sun article reported a decline in the state's breeding operations since Pennsylvania began subsidizing its racing industry. Today we'll discuss the economic and agricultural importance of the horse racing and breeding industry to the state of Maryland and whether the state should subsidize its horse industry.                                                                                                                                -Marcus