9/4 Um… Slips, Stumbles and Verbal Blunders


The next time you listen to or watch an interview see if you notice how many times the person being interviewed says um…like… or you know… In this modern age of You Tube, 24-hour news and paparazzi even the most polished public speaker is bound to be caught making a verbal gaffe.  

Overuse of too many “uhs…” or “ums…” can result in someone being seen as a poor speaker or unintelligent. According to our guest this hour language expert Michael Erard verbal gaffes say a lot about who we are. In his new book UM…Slips, Stumbles and Verbal Blunders, and What They Mean  Michael Erard offers an in-depth study of everyday speech, Freudian slips and our fascination with language mix-ups.

 Join us for a discussion that will have you looking at language in a whole new way                                         

Do you have a great and embarassing story of a verbal blunder you’ve made?  If so, share it with us!
