09/20/07 Civility

Okay, Puppy Day is over.  Sigh.  But today at Noon we’ve got some really interesting stuff for you. 


Sometimes I will be standing in line at a store here in Baltimore and am just inwardly cringing at the rude behavior of the person in front of me–the way they order the clerk around, demand stuff without saying please, and don’t bother to say thank you.  It drives me nuts.  I was raised differently.  When I was a server in a restaurant this used to really bother me as well, when people at my tables would just totally dispense with civility and be rude to me.  Do you ever bemoan the loss of politeness and manners in today’s world?  Do you think it has a real effect on our ethics and quality of living?  Has our loss of civility harmed our social fabric?  Or am I just being a fuddy-duddy and I need to get with the new, casual way of life?

We’ll be discussing all this and more today with Dr. P.M. Forni.  Ten years ago, he co-founded the Johns Hopkins Civility Project, where they study and assess the effects of civility-or the lack of civility-on modern life.

Join us with your thoughts, comments, and horror stories of rude people!

Poll: Is American society less civil now than it was in the past?
