October 2, 2013 - Segment 4 - We close the show the way we started, with more commentary on the government shutdown and what it means for us from Katrina vanden Heuvel, Editor and Publisher of The Nation, and Tim Murphy, a reporter in Mother Jones' DC bureau.
October 2, 2013 - Segment 1 - We start with a commentary on the government shutdown from John Nichols, Washington Correspondent for The Nation and associate editor of The Capital Times, the daily newspaper in Madison, Wisconsin.
October 1, 2013 - Segment 1 - Last night at midnight, the federal government shut down. We host a roundtable to discuss the politics that led to this and the potential ramifications.
September 30, 2013 - Segment 1 - Our first topic today is the Common Core, educational standards intended to bring curricula that vary from state-to-state into alignment with one other. We begin our conversation by examining the theory behind Common Core and then move into a discussion of its implementation.
September 25, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin our show with a roundtable on national news. We discuss the potential government shutdown, sequestration, and the battle over the Affordable Care Act.
September 23, 2013 - Segment 1 - We kickoff the week Monday morning at 9:00 with a news roundtable on the issues of the day, including: Pope Francis' recent statements on controversial subjects such as Syria, abortion, and the LGBT community; the hostage situation in Nairobi; and racial profiling and the death of Jonathan Ferrell, a former Texas A&M football player who was killed by police in North Carolina on September 14 after crawling from his wrecked car and seeking help at the home of a woman who panicked and called 911.
September 20, 2013 - Hours 1 & 2 - We broadcast of an evocative discussion that Marc moderated Tuesday night at the 2640 Space in Baltimore, on the commercialization of U.S. elections. The discussion was centered on the book Dollarocracy: How the Money and Media Election Complex is Destroying America.
September 19, 2013 - Segment 1 - We start our show with a local news roundtable, where we examine a number of news topics, including last night's debate between Texas Governor Rick Perry and Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, and the cancellation of the Baltimore Grand Prix.
September 18, 2013 - Hour 1 - We begin our show with another national news roundtable, during which we will continue our discussion on the tragic shooting Monday at the Naval Yard in Washington, D.C.
September 13, 2013 - Segment 3 - Retired Major Neill Franklin, a 33-year police veteran and Executive Director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) joins us for a conversation on the war on drugs as well as marijuana regulation in Maryland and beyond.
September 13, 2013 - Segment 2 - It's our newest weekly series Get Up Stand Up, where we learn about protests happening around the country, with Rose Aguilar, host of Your Call on KALW in San Francisco.
September 13, 2013 - Segment 1 - We check-in with our elected officials about potential military intervention in Syria. Congressman Elijah Cummings, Congressman John Sarbanes, and Senator Ben Cardin will be on-hand to offer their opinions and insight.
September 12, 2013 - Segment 1 - We reflect on our history and the present moment with a conversation looking at the US and the world from September 11th to Syria.
September 10, 2013 - Hour 2 - We start this week on Sound Bites by talking to Rose Aguilar, who provides a commentary related to her recent op-ed, "Richest country's empty plates." Then, we discuss race, class, and the food movement with a diverse roundtable of guests.
September 9, 2013 - Segment 4 - We turn to the topic of hacking. At recent hacking conventions in Las Vegas, cybersecurity experts revealed how easy it is to hack everything from cars to pacemakers. General Keith B. Alexander, Director of the National Security Agency, spoke at one of the conferences about his organization's use of technology to spy on people. We will look at these and other issues of cybersecurity and hacking.
September 9, 2013 - Segment 3 - In our continuing analysis of what the murder of Trayvon Martin means for America, we speak with Rinku Sen, President of the Applied Research Center and publisher of Colorlines, who recently wrote an article titled "The Racist Mind."
September 6, 2013 - Segment 4 - We talk with youth from both the U.S. and Mexico about what it’s like to be caught in the middle of America’s War on Drugs.
September 6, 2013 - Segment 3 - It's time for our weekly segment Get Up, Stand Up! with Rose Aguilar, host of Your Call on KALW in San Francisco, where we learn about the social movements and protests taking place this week across America.
September 5, 2013 - Hours 1 & 2 - Happy Labor Day! We celebrate with a 2-hour special of interviews and music. You will hear local activists, union members, and workers talk about what Labor Day means in 2013 and what major challenges workers face across the country, interspersed with songs by Woody Guthrie, Bo Diddley, Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, and others.
September 4, 2013 - Segment 2 - We launch our new series on three major urban centers facing post-industrial challenges, Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland, with Center for Emerging Media Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Lester Spence. Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland features historians and activists from the three cities in dialogue with one another.
September 4, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin our show with a look at the situation in Syria. Our panel of guests includes Phyllis Bennis, the Rev. Dr. Solomon Iyobosa Omo-Osagie II, and Sabith Khan.
September 2, 2013 - Hours 1 & 2 - Happy Labor Day! We celebrate with a 2-hour special of interviews and music. You will hear local activists, union members, and workers talk about what Labor Day means in 2013 and what major challenges workers face across the country, interspersed with songs by Woody Guthrie, Bo Diddley, Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, and others.
August 30, 2013 - Segment 2 - It's another installment of our new weekly segment about social movements and protests across the country: Get Up Stand Up! featuring Rose Aguilar, host of Your Call on KALW in San Francisco. This week we talk about protests against coal in Massachusetts, nationwide fast food worker strikes, and "singing protests" in Wisconsin.
August 30, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin with out weekly roundup of national and international news. This week we discuss the situation in Syria, President Obama's speech at the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, marijuana legislation and more.
August 29, 2013 - Segment 2- We analyze President Obama's speech at the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington, with Dedrick Muhammad, Senior Director of the Economic Department and Executive Director of the Financial Freedom Center at the NAACP.
August 28, 2013 - Segment 3 - We turn our attention to Syria. Were chemical weapons used in the civil war there? If so, who was responsible? Should there be a Western intervention? We'll wrestle with these questions.
August 26, 2013 - Segment 3 - The Root's contributing Editor Edward Wyckoff Williams talks about the practice of stop-and-frisk and offers his reflections on this weekend's March on Washington.
August 26, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin the week with a conversation about transgender people who are incarcerated, in light of Bradley Manning's announcement last week that she identifies as a woman named Chelsea.
August 23, 2013 - Segment 2 - We wrap up the show with our weekly update on national protests from Rose Aguilar, host of Your Call on KALW in San Francisco.
August 23, 2013 - Segment 1 - A host a special multi-generational roundtable of activists reflecting on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington.
August 22, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin our show with a discussion on the court martial of Chelsea Manning, who was convicted of leaking confidential material to Wikileaks. Manning was known until today as Bradley, but announced this morning that she identifies as a woman names Chelsea. Manning was sentenced yesterday to 35 years in prison and given a dishonorable discharge from the U.S. Army.
August 21, 2013 - Hour 1 - We shine a spotlight on Baltimore, Detroit, and Richmond, CA to explore a common theme in cities across the country -- banks, big money, and the future of cities.
August 19, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin our week with a national news roundtable. Topics include voting rights, the American healthcare system, the latest on Edward Snowden, and the newest revelations about the NSA.
August 16, 2013 - Segment 3 - August 16, 2013 - Segment 3
Rose Aguilar, host of Your Call on KALW in San Francisco, joins us for our weekly rundown on protests happening around the country.
August 15, 2013 - Segment 4 - We remember the anniversary of the 1945 bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, with elin o'Hara slavick, professor of Visual Art, Theory and Practice at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and author of Bomb After Bomb: A Violent Cartography and After Hiroshima.
August 15, 2013 - Segment 3 - We return to the topic of voting rights, in light of the passing of what might be the most strict voting law in the country, earlier this week in North Carolina.
August 15, 2013 - Segment 2 - We turn to national news, focusing first on Attorney General Eric Holder's speech this week about cutting mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenders.
August 14, 2013 - Segment 1 - We have a conversation on the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, which will be commemorated with an event on August 24th in Washington, DC.
August 13, 2013 - Segment 4 - This week on Sound Bites, we hear an opinion on how immigration reform could positively impact rural Maryland, get an update from Arthur Morgan on all things Gather Baltimore, and learn about a new study completed by the USDA and the University of Maryland that gives insight into why bees everywhere are dying.
August 13, 2013 - Segment 2 - In our continuing analysis of what the murder of Trayvon Martin means for America, we talk to Edward Wyckoff Williams, columnist, political analyst, and Contributing Editor to The Root, about his article, "Why the Right Cheers the Zimmerman Verdict."
August 12, 2013 - Segment 2 - Last week NIH announced an agreement with the family of Henrietta Lacks - whose cells were collected and used for research, without her knowledge or permission, by Johns Hopkins University over 50 years ago - that will finally give them recognition and some degree of control over how the genome of these important cells is used.
August 12, 2013 - Segment 1 - We start off the week with a roundtable on national news stories, including instances of policy brutality across the country, Edward Snowden, and President Obama's speech on NSA surveillance.
August 9, 2013 - Segment 4 - In our continuing analysis of what the murder of Trayvon Martin means for America, we close out the week with Rinku Sen, President of the Applied Research Center and publisher of Colorlines, who recently wrote an article titled "The Racist Mind."
August 9, 2013 - Segment 3 - Rose Aguilar, Host of Your Call Radio at KALW in San Francisco, gives her weekly report covering protests and community actions across the country that mainstream media generally ignores.
August 9, 2013 - Segment 2 - As we look to the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington, we talk with author William P. Jones about his book The March on Washington: Jobs, Freedom, and the Forgotten History of Civil Rights.
August 9, 2013 - Segment 1 - We talk to a panel of esteemed journalists who discuss the future of journalism and newspapers, especially in light of the fact that billionaires are buying up many of the major newspapers.