Local & State Politics

Archives of the show until 2018. For recent archives, go to: The Marc Steiner Show at the Real News Network

October 10, 2013

Fusion Partnerships: 15 Years of Community Organizing & Collaborative Action in Baltimore

October 10, 2013 - Segment 4 - We feature Fusion Partnerships, Inc., a local organization whose mission is to work through collaborative action to be a catalyst for justice and peace.
October 10, 2013

Maryland Federal Court Ruling: Traditionally White Institutions Unnecessarily Duplicate HBCUs’ Programs

October 10, 2013 - Segment 2 - We begin our show with a discussion of the recent federal court ruling that states that Maryland has violated its constitutional commitment by allowing traditionally White institutions of higher learning to duplicate programs already offered by Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU's).
October 9, 2013

Local News Roundtable

October 9, 2013 - Segment 4 - We host a local news roundtable, covering events in Baltimore and the region, with: Dr. Lawrence Brown, Assistant Professor of Public Health at Morgan State University; and Hassan Giordano, host of Reporters Roundtable and publisher of DMVDaily.com.
October 9, 2013

Carl Stokes On Auditing City Taxation

October 9, 2013 - Segment 3 - Baltimore Councilman Carl Stokes, Chairman of the council's taxation committee, joins us to talk about his call for an immediate audit of the city's finance department, in light of recent reports in The Baltimore Sun revealing ongoing errors on property tax bills that have caused the city to lose out on potential revenue.
October 8, 2013

Sound Bites: Government Shutdown’s Impact on Food | Arsenic in Animal Feed | Trans-Pacific Partnership & Food Safety

October 8, 2013 - Segment 3 - We will discuss how the government shutdown is affecting food and agriculture on the latest edition of Sound Bites! We also talk about new restrictions on arsenic in animal feed and a new free trade agreement's impact on food safety.
October 4, 2013

Families Who Lost Loved Ones To Police Violence Speak Out

October 4, 2013 - Segment 3 - We rebroadcast a segment with families who have had family members killed by the police in Baltimore, and who are working to create a CommUnity park in the vacant lot where one of the men was killed.
October 4, 2013

Anniversary of Henrietta Lacks’ Death: Rebecca Skloot on The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks

October 4, 2013 - Segment 1 - We talk with bestselling author Rebecca Skloot about her new book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. The book follows the life of an African-American woman whose cells were taken without her consent, and which became the first immortal cell line.
October 3, 2013

City Paper: Justice Delayed?

October 3, 2013 - Segment 3 - Edward Ericson Jr., staff writer for the Baltimore City Paper, joins us to talk about an article he wrote called Justice Delayed - Terrible police work sent a man to prison for a murder he didn't commit. Was it incompetence or something else?
September 30, 2013

MD Court of Appeals Ensures Poor Suspects Have Counsel At First Bail Hearing

September 30, 2013 - Segment 2 - Doug Colbert, University of Maryland Carey School of Law Professor, and Maryland State Senator Brian Frosh, discuss an important Maryland Court of Appeals decision mandating that poor suspects have access to counsel at all bail hearings.
September 30, 2013

Common Core: Is It Needed? & How Do We Implement It?

September 30, 2013 - Segment 1 - Our first topic today is the Common Core, educational standards intended to bring curricula that vary from state-to-state into alignment with one other. We begin our conversation by examining the theory behind Common Core and then move into a discussion of its implementation.
September 26, 2013

What The Unger Decision Means For Those Released

September 26, 2013 - Segment 3 - Walter Lomax joins us to talk about an upcoming town hall meeting focusing on juveniles convicted under the felony murder law, September 28 at Morgan State University. Lomax is Project Director of the Maryland Restorative Justice Initiative, a program of Fusion Partnerships.
September 26, 2013

Park Heights: The Future of Development, The Future of Baltimore

September 26, 2013 - Segment 2 - We return to our ongoing conversation about the future development of Baltimore's Park Heights community, and look at Park Heights as a microcosm of the future of development in Baltimore City.
September 24, 2013

Sound Bites: Hunger In The Richest State – Exploring Food Insecurity In Maryland

September 24, 2013 - Hour 2 - In partnership with the Center for a Livable Future, we launch a new feature: Hunger in the Richest State. Why does the richest state in the nation have so many food-insecure people? We hear the stories of those struggling to put food on the table - from Cambridge to Baltimore to Western MD - and learn about the good work that is being done to address the need.
September 24, 2013

National News Roundtable

September 23, 2013 - Segment 1 - We kickoff the week Monday morning at 9:00 with a news roundtable on the issues of the day, including: Pope Francis' recent statements on controversial subjects such as Syria, abortion, and the LGBT community; the hostage situation in Nairobi; and racial profiling and the death of Jonathan Ferrell, a former Texas A&M football player who was killed by police in North Carolina on September 14 after crawling from his wrecked car and seeking help at the home of a woman who panicked and called 911.
September 19, 2013

State’s Attorney Candidate Russell Neverdon, Sr.

September 19, 2013 - Segment 2 - We are joined by defense attorney Russell A. Neverdon, Sr., who recently announced his candidacy for Baltimore City State's Attorney. He joins us to talk about his vision for the future of the city.
September 19, 2013

Local News Roundtable

September 19, 2013 - Segment 1 - We start our show with a local news roundtable, where we examine a number of news topics, including last night's debate between Texas Governor Rick Perry and Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley, and the cancellation of the Baltimore Grand Prix.
September 18, 2013

Arts and Culture: Lea & Marc Talk CUPs, Music and More!

September 18, 2013 - Hour 2 - This week on our biweekly segment on Arts and Culture with Center for Emerging Media Cultural Editor Lea Gilmore, we focus on CUPs, a new coffeehouse in Baltimore's Hollins Market that trains and employs at-risk youth and young adults.
September 16, 2013

Maryland Gubernatorial Candidate: Charles Lollar

September 16, 2013 - Segment 3 - We close out the show with Charles Lollar, who joins us to discuss his bid for Republican nomination for governor of Maryland. Lollar is a businessman and Marine Corps Reserve officer from Charles County.
September 16, 2013

Baltimore City Councilman Proposes Curfew For Youth

September 16, 2013 - Segment 1 - Last week Baltimore City Councilman Brandon Scott made headlines for proposing a curfew for youth, calling for young people under the age of 14 to be indoors by 9:00pm and young people aged 14-16 to be off the streets by 10pm on school nights.
September 13, 2013

The Future of the National Housing Trust Fund

September 13, 2013 - Segment 4 - We close out the show with a preview of an event on the future of the National Housing Trust Fund, sponsored by the Homeless Persons Representation Project and the Maryland Affordable Housing Coalition. The keynote speaker will be U.S. Representative Elijah Cummings.
September 13, 2013

Ret. Major Neill Franklin on Marijuana in Maryland and the War on Drugs

September 13, 2013 - Segment 3 - Retired Major Neill Franklin, a 33-year police veteran and Executive Director of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) joins us for a conversation on the war on drugs as well as marijuana regulation in Maryland and beyond.
September 13, 2013

Maryland Hunger Solutions, A Place At The Table, & Tackling Food Insecurity In Our Community

September 12, 2013 - Segment 2 - We talk to Maryland Hunger Solutions and someone experiencing food insecurity about a new documentary film "A Place At The Table" and food access, hunger, and poverty in our community.
September 12, 2013

Housing Advocates On Inclusionary Housing

September 11, 2013 - Segment 2 - We host a roundtable with housing rights advocates around the question of inclusionary housing, also known as inclusionary zoning, a term referring to planning ordinances that require a given share of new construction to be affordable by people with low to moderate incomes.
September 12, 2013

Just Words: The $50,000 Hospital Bill

September 11, 2013 - Segment 1 - We start our show with one of our Just Words segments. Just Words is a Peabody award-winning series featuring working people in our community. In this piece, we hear from Gloria Knight, a state-contracted daycare provider. She is unable to afford health insurance, but a bicycle accident left her with a $50,000 hospital bill.
September 12, 2013

Baltimore City Red Line Moving Forward: Future Of Transportation In Baltimore

September 10, 2013 - Hour 1 - Now that we know the Baltimore City Red Line transit project is moving forward, we bring you a conversation we recorded last month about the current state of transportation in the City of Baltimore and proposed alternatives, including the Red Line and a streetcar system.
September 6, 2013

Dialogue Between Ciudad Juarez and Baltimore: What It’s Like To Grow Up In A Violent Community

September 6, 2013 - Segment 4 - We talk with youth from both the U.S. and Mexico about what it’s like to be caught in the middle of America’s War on Drugs.
September 6, 2013

Urban Artillery: Wall Hunters Takes On The Slumlords Crippling Baltimore Neighborhoods

September 6, 2013 - Segment 2 - We hear from City Paper senior editor Baynard Woods about this week's feature story, "Urban Artillery: Wall Hunters takes on the slumlords crippling Baltimore neighborhoods."
September 5, 2013

Encore Presentation: Labor Day 2013 Special

September 5, 2013 - Hours 1 & 2 - Happy Labor Day! We celebrate with a 2-hour special of interviews and music. You will hear local activists, union members, and workers talk about what Labor Day means in 2013 and what major challenges workers face across the country, interspersed with songs by Woody Guthrie, Bo Diddley, Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, and others.
September 5, 2013

Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland: Episode 1 – Sister Cities In A Post-Industrial Era

September 4, 2013 - Segment 2 - We launch our new series on three major urban centers facing post-industrial challenges, Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland, with Center for Emerging Media Scholar-in-Residence, Dr. Lester Spence. Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland features historians and activists from the three cities in dialogue with one another.
September 3, 2013

Baltimore City State’s Attorney Gregg Bernstein

September 3, 2013 - Segment 1 - Baltimore City State's Attorney Gregg Bernstein joins us to discuss a range of issues, including the recent spike of violence in Baltimore and official responses to police-involved shootings.
September 3, 2013

Happy Labor Day! The State Of Labor In 2013 Featuring Our Favorite Labor Songs

September 2, 2013 - Hours 1 & 2 - Happy Labor Day! We celebrate with a 2-hour special of interviews and music. You will hear local activists, union members, and workers talk about what Labor Day means in 2013 and what major challenges workers face across the country, interspersed with songs by Woody Guthrie, Bo Diddley, Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, and others.
August 29, 2013

Families Of Baltimore Men Killed By Police Create Community Park

August 29, 2013 - Segment 3 - We hear from families who have had family members killed by the police in Baltimore and who are working to create a CommUnity park in the vacant lot where one of the men was killed.
August 28, 2013

This Week In The City Paper

August 28, 2013 - Segment 2 - This week, we begin a weekly look at the Baltimore City Paper. We're joined by the City Paper's Senior Editor Baynard Woods for an update on what's in this week's issue. Please visit the Citypaper.com for more information.
August 27, 2013

MD Court Of Appeals Questions Fairness Of Jury Convictions Before 1980

August 27, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin our show with a discussion on a Maryland Court of Appeals ruling last year that called into question the fairness of jury convictions before 1980, and led to the release from prison last week of five men who had been convicted of murder.
August 16, 2013

Native News Roundtable

August 16, 2013 - Segment 5 - We host a roundtable on Native American news. We are be joined by: Gyasi Ross, member of the Blackfeet Tribe and attorney representing tribes for Crowell Law Offices-Tribal Advocacy Group; Aand Mark Trahant, independent print and media journalist. We discuss, among other things, adoption cases that challenge Native sovereignty and how sequestration affects Native American communities.
August 16, 2013

Zimmerman Verdict Commentary From Gyasi Ross

August 16, 2013 - Segment 4 - Gyasi Ross, member of the Blackfeet Tribe and attorney representing tribes for Crowell Law Offices-Tribal Advocacy Group, joins us for a commentary on the Zimmerman verdict. He is the author of an article called 1,000 Trayvons: All People of Color Must Unite to Stop the Slaughter.
August 16, 2013

Local News Roundtable

August 16, 2013 -Segment 2 - We have a local news roundtable where we discuss the latest news from Baltimore and Maryland. Our guests are Dr. Lawrence Brown, Assistant Professor of Public Health at Morgan State University; and Marta Mossburg, columnist for The Baltimore Sun and The Frederick News-Post.
August 15, 2013

The Intersection: Findings Of The Gun Violence Listening Campaign

August 15, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin our show with student leaders from The Intersection, who will talk about the findings of their Gun Violence Listening Campaign, in which students spoke to over 450 members of the Baltimore community about the effects of gun violence on their lives.