Local & State Politics

Archives of the show until 2018. For recent archives, go to: The Marc Steiner Show at the Real News Network

January 3, 2014

Countdown to the Summit: Pit bull Legislation

January 4, 2014 - Segment 5 - In preparation for next Wednesday's Annapolis Summit, we host our "Countdown to the Summit." Joining us to discuss next week's topic, Pitbulls, are: Maryland State Delegate Curt Anderson (D-Baltimore City); and Maryland State Senator and candidate for Attorney General Brian Frosh (D-Montgomery County).
January 2, 2014

State & Local News Roundup: Top Stories of 2013

January 2, 2014 - Segment 3 - We look at the top state and local news stories of 2013 and discuss what they mean for the coming year with The Baltimore Sun's Krishana Davis, DMV Daily's Hassan Giordano, The Daily Record's Melody Simmons and The Baltimore Brew's Mark Reutter.
December 23, 2013

Family, Witnesses, Lawyers and Advocates React To State’s Attorney’s Ruling In Tyrone West Case

December 23, 2013 - Segment 2 - We begin the week with a follow-up to our coverage of the Tyrone West case. West died while in police custody in July, of undetermined causes, and the Baltimore City State's Attorney announced last Thursday that none of the officers involved will face charges.
December 20, 2013

Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day

December 19, 2013 - Segment 2 - This Saturday, December 21, is National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day, when we remember and honor those who died without a secure place to live. Ceremonies will be held nationwide. In Baltimore, there will be a ceremony on Saturday at 5:00 at the Inner Harbor Amphitheater.
December 18, 2013

Hey Cabbie!

December 18, 2013 - Segment 5 - We close out the show with a Baltimore treat: Thaddeus Logan, author, former vice detective, and seasoned Baltimore cab driver, talks about his 1984 book Hey Cabbie! and its sequel, which came out last year, Hey Cabbie II! Be prepared to hear about a side of Baltimore that you may never have experienced!
December 18, 2013

Local Roundtable On Violence In Our Communities

December 18, 2013 - Segment 2 - We have a local roundtable, discussing the tragic fact that Baltimore now has the highest homicide rate in four years. What does that mean for our community, and what are some of the roots of this violence? Joining us are: Munir Bahar, organizer of Raise It Up, a dirt bike movement in Baltimore; Rev. Meredith Moise, ordained minister, writer, community activist and teacher; Dayvon Love, Baltimore City Schools teacher and Director of Research and Public Policy for Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle; and Michael Johnson, Executive Director of the Paul Robeson Institute for Social Change.
December 17, 2013

Sound Bites: 30th Anniversary of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement | Water & The Columbia Gas Pipeline | An Amazing Radish

December 17, 2013 - Segment 3 - We begin this week's Sound Bites with a look at the 30th anniversary of the Chesapeake Bay Agreement, the implications of the controversial Columbia Gas Pipeline, and the potential of radishes to fight runoff.
December 17, 2013

Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland: Episode 2 – Pensions, Bankruptcy & The Future Of The American City

December 17, 2013 - Segment 2 - In this episode of Baltimore-Detroit-Oakland, we discuss what these cities' economies say about the future of the American city, looking at the state of pensions in each of these cities and discussing the implication of Detroit's bankruptcy on Baltimore and Oakland.
December 16, 2013

The Affordable Care Act’s Rollout In Maryland

December 16, 2013 - Segment 3 - We turn to the Affordable Healthcare Act rollout in Maryland, with: Marta Mossburg, Visiting Fellow at the Maryland Public Policy Institute and syndicated columnist; Vinnie DeMarco, President of the Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative; and Dr. Lawrence Brown, Assistant Professor of Public Health at Morgan State University.
December 10, 2013

Sound Bites: Food Insecurity in Maryland, The Richest State in the Nation

December 10, 2013 - Hour 2 - In partnership with the Center for a Livable Future, we launch a new feature: Hunger in the Richest State. Why does the richest state in the nation have so many food-insecure people? We hear the stories of those struggling to put food on the table – from Cambridge to Baltimore to Western MD – and learn about the good work that is being done to address the need.
December 9, 2013

Countdown To The Annapolis Summit: Raise Maryland’s Minimum Wage

December 6, 2013 - Segment 3 - We continue our Countdown to the Annapolis Summit series with a conversation on the minimum wage in Maryland. Should it be raised? We're joined by Delegate Mary Washington, who represents Maryland's 43rd District in Baltimore City and Delegate Andrew Serafini, who represents Maryland's District 2A in Washington County.
December 5, 2013

Culture & Society: Natural Hair Under Attack In Our Schools | MSU Fraternity Suspended After Rejecting Gay Student

December 5, 2013 - Segment 4 - We discuss the straight-A 8th grade student who was denied entry into a Baltimore high school because she wears dreadlocks, and the incident in which Morgan State University's (MSU) Kappa Alpha Psi fraternity has been placed on probation for discriminating against a gay student.
December 5, 2013

Discussion of the Common Core Curriculum

December 5, 2013 - Segment 2 - We begin our show with a discussion of the Common Core Curriculum. Our guests are Dr. Sandra Stotsky, former member of Common Core's Validation Committee, and Dr. Morna McDermott, one of the administrators for Opt Out.
December 5, 2013

Local News Roundup: Baltimore Reacts To Detroit | City Mismanaged Homelessness Grant | Tyrone West Autopsy Findings Withheld

December 4, 2013 - Segment 3 - We discuss the local news, including Baltimore reactions to the Detroit Bankruptcy, Baltimore's mismanaged grant to end homelessness, and news in the Tyrone West case.
December 3, 2013

Sound Bites: Poultry Fair Share Act | Saving Bees | All About Fermentation

December 3, 2013 - Segment 4 - On Sound Bites, we discuss the Poultry Fair Share Act, which proposes that large agribusinesses such as Perdue and Tyson be charged a fee per head for chickens grown on the farms contracted with them, bees and pesticides, and fermentation.
December 2, 2013

Countdown To The Annapolis Summit: Maryland’s Budget Deficit

November 29, 2013 - Segment 2 - Listen to the second installment of our new series leading up to the 11th Annual Annapolis Summit, in conjunction with our print partner The Daily Record, Countdown to the Annapolis Summit. Each week's installment coordinates with an article in The Daily Record. This week, we discuss Maryland's budget deficit.
November 27, 2013

Can Baltimore Become Bike-Friendly?

November 27, 2013 - Segment 3 - We close out the show with a special archive edition, as we look back at an article published in Urbanite magazine, claiming that promoting bike-friendliness in cities can effect social change. The article cited that the murder rate in Bogota, Colombia, dropped 76 percent after that city became bike-conscious.
November 27, 2013

The Color Line: Living On A Diverse Baltimore Block

November 26, 2013 - Hour 1 - We discuss what it means to live on a diverse block in a city that's still very divided along racial lines, as we follow-up on an article that Joan Jacobson wrote in the Urbanite magazine "The Color Line," and talk with residents who have made their homes on a diverse block on East Baltimore Street in the Patterson Park neighborhood.
November 25, 2013

Countdown To The Annapolis Summit: Stormwater

November 22, 2013 - Segment 2 - We hear the first installment of our new series Countdown to the Annapolis Summit. We discuss the Stormwater Management - Watershed Protection and Restoration Program, which is popularly known--especially by its critics--as the Rain Tax. We're joined by Delegate Maggie McIntosh, who represents the 43rd Legislative District in Baltimore City; and Harford County Executive David Craig, who is also a gubernatorial candidate.
November 21, 2013

Gubernatorial Candidate Del. Heather Mizeur Announces Marijuana Legalization Plan for Maryland

November 20, 2013 - Segment 5 - We close out the show with an interview with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Delegate Heather Mizeur, on her just-announced plan to legalize and regulate marijuana.
November 21, 2013

Sleep Out for Housing Justice in Baltimore

November 20, 2013 - Segment 4 - We discuss the "Sleep Out for Housing Justice," to be held this weekend, November 23 at 5:00pm, an annual event that culminates the local efforts for National Hunger and Homeless Awareness Week and features educational programming, a meal for the entire community, and a public forum for dialogue.
November 20, 2013

Sound Bites: MDA Pulls Phosphorus Management Regs | Whitelock Community Farm Expands | Recipe: Sweet Potato Biscuits From Blacksauce

November 19, 2013 - Segment 3 - This week on Sound Bites, we look at the Maryland Department of Agriculture's decision to withdraw proposed phosphorus management regulations. We also hear about a community event taking place at Whitelock Community Farm in Baltimore's Reservoir Hill neighborhood, and hear a recipe for sweet potato biscuits from Damian Mosley of Blacksauce Kitchen.
November 19, 2013

Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts

November 19, 2013 - Segment 2 - Hear our interview with Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts. We discuss issues facing Baltimore, including murders in the city, gang violence, police training, and officer-involved shootings.
November 14, 2013

State of Public Education in Baltimore

November 14, 2013 - Segment 2 - In the wake of the announcement that Baltimore City is planning to close seven city schools, we begin our show with a roundtable discussion on education in Baltimore. In addition to the school closings, we will discuss the 10-year school construction plan as well as a recent report that Baltimore City suspended Pre-K students at a rate far higher than any other district in Maryland last year.
November 14, 2013

Adjuncts: The New Working Poor?

November 13, 2013 - Segment 4 - Part-time, or "adjunct," instructors comprise 50% of all faculty members at U.S. colleges. These instructors often have no benefits, no job security, and low pay. The Baltimore Sun recently reported that local community colleges are cutting the hours of adjunct professors to avoid complying with the Affordable Care Act.
November 14, 2013

Gimme Shelter: Why is Homeless Policy So Disconnected from the Daily Struggle of People Trying to Find a Place to Stay?

November 13, 2013 - Segment 2 - We examine the dichotomy between homeless policy and the actual struggle facing homeless persons on a daily basis.
November 12, 2013

Controversy Over Proposed Cove Point Liquid Natural Gas Export Terminal

November 11, 2013 - Segment 5 - We take a look at the controversy over the proposed Cove Point liquid natural gas (LNG) export terminal in Maryland, owned by Dominion Resources. If approved, the terminal would be used to export fracked natural gas, piped in from Appalachia, to India and Japan.
November 7, 2013

Baltimore City Council: Youth Curfew, Ban on Styrofoam Cups & Aggressive Panhandling

November 6, 2013 - Segment 3 - We host a roundtable of City Council members speaking about upcoming legislation, including votes on youth curfews, a ban on carryout styrofoam cups and containers, and legislation against panhandling.
November 7, 2013

Sound Bites: Real Food Comes To Hopkins | Political Food News Roundup | Recipe From Afroculinaria

November 5, 2013 - Segment 4 - On the newest episode of Sound Bites. we report an exciting development in the real food movement that took place last week right here in Baltimore. Then we get a roundup of political food news and hear a recipe from Michael Twitty of Afroculinaria.
November 5, 2013

Transportation In Baltimore And Maryland

November 4, 2013 - Segment 2 - We discuss the current state and future of transportation in Baltimore. Our guests are: William Johnson, Director of the Baltimore City Department of Transportation; Frank Murphy, Deputy Director of Operations for the Baltimore Department of Transportation; Henry M. Kaye, Executive Director of Transit Development and Delivery for the Maryland Transportation Administration (MTA); and Robert L. Smith, Maryland Transit Administrator for the Maryland Department of Transportation.
October 31, 2013

The Family Of Tyrone West Still Searching For Answers

October 30, 2013 - Segment 3 - Family members of Tyrone West, a man killed by the police on July 18th, join us again to talk about their search for answers from the Medical Examiners Office and the Baltimore Police Department.
October 30, 2013

Healthcare Is A Human Right March

October 30, 2013 - Segment 3 - We hear the voices of participants of the Healthcare Justice March that took place in Baltimore Saturday, interviewed by former Steiner Show producer Cricket Arrison. We hear from Sergio Espana, the statewide organizer for Healthcare is a Human Right-Maryland, as well as speakers from the healthcare rally before the march, some of the participants at the march, and the amazing beats of the Baltimore Christian Warriors Marching Band.
October 28, 2013

OSI-Baltimore Celebrates Its 15-Year Anniversary

October 28, 2013 - Segment 4 - We acknowledge the 15th Anniversary of Open Society Institute-Baltimore, with: Diana Morris, Director of OSI-Baltimore; and Judge Andre Davis, who sits on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit and is an OSI-Baltimore board member.
October 28, 2013

Baltimore City Public Schools: Constructing Community Spaces

October 28, 2013 - Segment 3 - We discuss the Baltimore City school construction plan and discuss Transform Baltimore's City Public Schools 21st-Century Building Design Expo coming up at Morgan State University.
October 25, 2013

Healthcare Is A Human Right

October 25, 2013 - Segment 5 - We close out the week talking about the march this weekend sponsored by Healthcare is a Human Right, and the precedent set in Vermont, which has a statewide single-payer health system.
October 25, 2013

City Paper: Federal Designer Drug Laws Hit Maryland

October 25, 2013 - Segment 3 - Baltimore City Paper writer Van Smith joins us to talk about his latest feature for the City Paper, which covers the federal crackdown on designer drugs happening in Maryland and around the country.
October 25, 2013

Local News Roundtable

October 25, 2013 - Segment 1 - We begin with a local news roundtable. Our topics include: the debate over the panhandling bill introduced by Baltimore Councilwoman Rikki Spector; the closing of Santoni's market, which their owner blamed on the bottle tax; controversy over the proposed CSX rail facility in Morrell Park; and why the autopsy is taking so long in the Tyrone West case.
October 24, 2013

Towson University Debate Team Takes Threat Report Against Faculty & Staff Public

October 24, 2013 - Segment 5 - Dayvon Love of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, and Ameena Ruffin, current member of the Towson University Debate Team, discuss incidents documented in Love's "Why you shouldn't send your Black and Brown children to Towson University."
October 24, 2013

Sound Bites: Food Stamp Challenge | What’s In That Chicken Nugget? | Local Turkeys For Thanksgiving

October 22, 2013 - Segment 3 - We look at Maryland Hunger Solution's Food Stamp Challenge, on the latest edition of Sound Bites! We also look at what's inside that chicken nugget and learn about a duo that's raising turkeys locally.
October 16, 2013

Marshall Bell on Baltimore Blues: Harm City

October 16, 2013 - Hour 2 - We are joined in-studio by Marshall C. Bell, host of Midday Magazine with Marshall Bell on WOLB-AM and managing partner of The Bell Group, LLC, to talk about his latest novel, Baltimore Blues: Harm City.