Local & State Politics

Archives of the show until 2018. For recent archives, go to: The Marc Steiner Show at the Real News Network

June 17, 2015

Delegate Jill P. Carter On Her 13 Years In The Legislature & The Future Of Baltimore

June 17, 2015 - Segment 2 - We get an update on our conversation last week with Delegate Jill P.Carter, on violence in Baltimore, her op-ed in the Baltimore Sun, and her recent interview with Al Jazeera America about Presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley.
June 12, 2015

Local News Roundup: Baltimore City Council Responds To School Layoffs & Marilyn Mosby Email Asked For Strict Drug Enforcement In Freddie Gray’s Neighborhood

June 11, 2015 - Segment 2 - On our Local News Roundup, we discuss how the Baltimore City Council is responding to school layoffs and the news that State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby sent an email in the weeks before Freddie Gray's death, asking police to target the area of North Avenue and Mount Street for drug trafficking.
June 12, 2015

Roundtable on Prisons, Policing, and Community Responses

June 10, 2015 - Segment 2 - We host a roundtable discussion on recent headlines involving violence, prison, policing, and community solutions, including: the suicide last Saturday of Kalief Browder; the freeing of Angola 3 member Albert Woodfox after 43 years in solitary confinement; violence in Baltimore; and initiatives in Sandtown.
June 11, 2015

Wrestling with The Wire

June 9, 2015 - Segment 2 - Last week Baltimore's City Paper featured stories on The Wire, David Simon's acclaimed TV series about Baltimore. Join our panel of guests as we use those features as a jumping off point to talk about the series and its representation of our city.
June 11, 2015

Sound Bites: Former Governor & Presidential Hopeful Martin O’Malley’s Environmental Record | Gunpowder Riverkeeper Halts 21-Mile Natural Gas Pipeline | Are Animals Sentient Beings?

June 4, 2015 - Segment 3 - On Sound Bites, our series about our food and our world, we begin the hour with a look at current Presidential hopeful Martin O'Malley's record on the Environment, hear how a Gunpowder riverkeeper halted a 21-mile natural gas pipeline from being constructed, and discuss whether animals are sentient beings.
June 11, 2015

Baltimore City Schools: What Will Be The Impact Of Budget Cuts & Restructuring At North Avenue?

June 4, 2015 - Segment 2 - Join our guest host Dr. Kimberly Moffitt as she moderates a panel discussion about budget cuts and restructuring at North Avenue. Last week it was announced that 159 staff positions were eliminated at Baltimore City Public Schools and layoff notices were sent out.
June 9, 2015

Why Is Operation Ceasefire Struggling In Baltimore?

June 3, 2015 - Segment 2 - We continue our daily feature on programs in Baltimore and beyond that offer solutions to the turmoil our city is undergoing. We look at the Operation Ceasefire campaign in Baltimore, its successes and failures and where it is going from here.
June 9, 2015

Spotlight On Safe Streets: Baltimore Community Problem Effectively Addressing Violence

June 2, 2015 - Segment 4 - We spotlight Safe Streets, a successful Baltimore program set up by the national non-profit Cure Violence, to stave off violence in at-risk neighborhoods by employing former convicts to walk through and monitor activity on the street and intervene when violence threatens.
June 9, 2015

Considering Former Baltimore Mayor & Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley’s Bid For President

June 2, 2015 - Segment 2 - Our panel of guests considers last Saturday's announcement by former Baltimore mayor and Maryland governor, Martin O'Malley, that he will run for the Democratic nomination for President in 2016.
June 8, 2015

Baltimore Experiencing Highest Murder Rate In 40 Years: Crime and Policing in Baltimore

June 1, 2015 - Segment 3 - We take an intensive look at issues of crime and policing in Baltimore. In May, Baltimore experienced the highest murder rate in a single month in 40 years.
June 8, 2015

An Update from Delegate Cory McCray: What’s Next For Ex-Felons’ Voting Rights

June 1, 2015 - Segment 2 - We catch up with Maryland State Delegate Cory McCray and talk about his experience as a freshman delegate as well as Governor Hogan's recent veto of a bill McCray co-sponsored that would have given former felons the right to vote.
June 2, 2015

Sound Bites: President Obama’s Pollinator Health Task Force, Does It Go Too Far? | How Our Local Beekeepers Are Faring

May 28, 2015 - Segment 3 - On the newest edition of Sound Bites, our series on our food and our world, we return to the important topic of bees. First we look into the history and work of President Obama's White House Pollinator Health Task Force and hear how our local beekeepers are faring in our region.
June 1, 2015

Rev. Jamal Bryant on the Protest Against the Youth Jail

May 27, 2015 - Segment 6 - Rev. Jamal Bryant, Senior Pastor of Empowerment Temple AME, joins us to talk about the protest he organized against the construction of the new youth jail in Baltimore.
May 29, 2015

News Roundup: 26 Shootings In Baltimore This Weekend | Gov. Hogan Vetoes Ex-Felons Right To Vote | Summer & Baltimore’s Children | Top Criminal Justice Officials Leave Mayor’s Office

May 26, 2015 - Segment 2 - We discuss the 26 shootings in Baltimore over the weekend; Governor Hogan's veto of a bill that would have given voting rights to former felons; summer is coming and where will Baltimore's children go; and the departure of Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's top criminal justice official last week.
May 27, 2015

UMBC Students Present Baltimore Traces: Station North in Transition

May 22, 2015 - Segment 5 - You hear from some of Baltimore's talented new young journalistic voices, students at UMBC. We hear about Station North, a neighborhood that has been undergoing a great deal of transition,
May 27, 2015

UMBC Students Present Baltimore Traces: Greektown in Transition

May 22, 2015 - Segment 4 - You hear from some of Baltimore's talented new young journalistic voices, students at UMBC, who worked with Marc on a project called Baltimore Traces: Communities in Transition, which brought students into Baltimore City to study neighborhoods, where they conducted interviews with local residents and workers.
May 22, 2015

Community Conferencing and Restorative Justice

May 20, 2015 - Segment 2 - We check in with the important work of the Community Conferencing Center, one of the longest-standing restorative justice programs in the country, internationally recognized for its work of providing meaningful alternatives to arrest and incarceration for youth of color.
May 21, 2015

Activists & Baltimore City Public Works Talk Water Shutoffs To Baltimore Residents

May 19, 2015 - Segment 3 - We examine the issue of water shutoffs here in Baltimore, with the Baltimore Department of Public Works, Baltimore activists and activists in Detroit who have dealt with water shutoffs in their city.
May 20, 2015

Encore Presentation: Reflections on the Youth Curfew

May 15, 2015 - Segment 5 - We close out the show with a special Marc Steiner Show archive edition from earlier this year; an investigative report by Morgan State University students on curfew law that went into effect in Baltimore last August.
May 15, 2015

Visit From The Monks Of The Drepung Gomang Monastery

May 13, 2015 - Segment 4 - Monks from the Drupung Gomang Monastery in South India have been in Baltimore for the past week, leading discussions and meditations and creating a sand mandala at the Baltimore Yoga Village in Mount Washington.
May 15, 2015

Maryland Politics Roundup: Governor Hogan’s Response To Baltimore, Legislation Signed & Ex-Felon Voting Rights

May 13, 2015 - Segment 3 - We move closer to home with a Maryland state politics discussion and debate with: Dr. Roni Ellington and Jackie Wellfonder. We discuss Governor Hogan's response to Baltimore, the legislation he signed this week and the ex-felon voting rights bill sitting on his desk.
May 15, 2015

Responding To The Controversy Around Marilyn Mosby & Conflicts Of Interest

May 12, 2015 - Segment 2 - We look at the motion filed last week by the attorneys representing the six police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, demanding Baltimore State's Attorney Maryland Mosby recuse herself because of alleged conflicts of interest.
May 11, 2015

Bias in Baltimore Bail Hearings?

May 11, 2015 - Segment 2 - We talk with Todd H. Oppenheim, felony trial attorney in the Office of the Public Defender, about his recent op-ed for the Baltimore Brew titled, "The bias in Baltimore bail hearings: a presumption of guilt."
May 11, 2015

Community Walk To Benefit Destroyed Southern Baptist Church Senior Citizen Center

May 8, 2015 - Segment 2 - Listen to our monthly Health & Wellness segment with fitness activist and trainer Chauncey Whitehead. This month's community walk will benefit the Southern Baptist Church senior citizen center that was burned down last week.
May 8, 2015

How Baltimore Public Defenders Are Responding In The Aftermath Of The Baltimore Uprising

May 7, 2015 - Segment 2 - The discussion turns to legal issues surrounding the arrests in Baltimore during the protests around the death of Freddie Gray with the Baltimore Office of the Public Defender.
May 8, 2015

In Baltimore and Across the Country, Black Faces In High Places Haven’t Helped Average Black People

May 7, 2015 - Segment 1 - We begin the hour with Dr. Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, who talks about her article last week in In These Times: "In Baltimore and Across the Country, Black Faces in High Places Haven't Helped Average Black People: Electing African-American political leaders has done little to alleviate the suffering of Black America."
May 5, 2015

Where Does Baltimore Go From Here?

May 5, 2015 - Segment 2 - We continue our discussion of "Where does Baltimore go from here?" as the city begins to heal and move forward, with a focus on issues of poverty and upward mobility. We also ask if "Black culture" is a problem.
May 2, 2015

Breaking Down The Legal Issues: State’s Attorney Mosby Charges 6 Officers In Freddie Gray Death

May 4, 2015 - Segment 2 - On Friday, Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby charged six Baltimore police officers involved in the death of Freddie Gray. In our first hour we will examine the legal issues and implications surrounding this decision to prosecute.
May 1, 2015

The Hip-Hop Chronicles: On #FreddieGray & Baltimore’s Curfew

May 1, 2015 - Segment 2 - We broadcast an exceptional audio experience produced by Mike "Nyce" Middleton, one of our creative and talented colleagues at WEAA 88.9-FM: a special edition of The Hip-Hop Chronicles . We especially wanted to showcase this episode of the Hip-Hop Chronicles because it addresses what's happening in Baltimore in this moment.
May 1, 2015

Special Presentation: Voices From The Freddie Gray Protests

May 1, 2015 - Segment 1 - We begin the show with a special production, Voices from the Freddie Gray Protests, from our Marc Steiner Show producers Mark Gunnery and Stefanie Mavronis who have been out with the protesters throughout the week.