Local & State Politics

Archives of the show until 2018. For recent archives, go to: The Marc Steiner Show at the Real News Network

August 28, 2015

Sound Bites: GMOs, Herbicides & Public Health | The State Of Oyster Farming & The Challenges Facing Oyster Farmers

August 27, 2015 - Segment 2 - On the newest episode of our series about our food and our world, Sound Bites, we begin the hour with a report on the potential public health consequences of GMOs (genetically-modified organisms). Then, we turn to the state of oyster farming in our region as we discuss the challenges facing oyster farmers.
August 28, 2015

Sankofa African Bazaar Essay Contest

August 26, 2015 - Segment 3 - We have an update on a Charles Village institution, Sankofa African Bazaar. Sankofa owner KiKi Armstrong is preparing to retire and is seeking a future owner and is doing so with an essay contest.
August 18, 2015

Upsurge In Violence In Baltimore With 208 Homicides & Governor Hogan’s Closing Of Baltimore City Detention Center

August 18, 2015 - Segment 2 - We address the upsurge in violence in Baltimore and Governor Hogan's closing of the Baltimore City Detention Center with a roundtable of guests.
August 17, 2015

Local News Roundtable: Rawlings-Blake V. Dixon, Dirt Bikes And Street Culture & More

August 17, 2015 - Segment 2 - We bring the discussion home with a Local News Roundtable, topics to include: Rawlings-Blake v. Dixon for Mayor; dirt bikes, street culture and the police; murders in our city; and Are Baltimore schools ready for the start of the year?
August 13, 2015

Sound Bites: The Launch Of The Black Church Food Security Network

August 13, 2015 - Segment 3 - We listen back to a recent episode of Sound Bites, our series on our food and our world, about an exciting and important new initiative that was launched this summer in Baltimore: The Black Church Food Security Network.
August 3, 2015

Public Health Roundtable: Heroin, Addiction, and Society

July 29, 2015 - Segment 3 - We hold a public health and society roundtable as we examine how the increase in youth HIV rates and heroin-related deaths are connected to other societal issues.
July 28, 2015

Report: 1 In 7 Maryland Children Live In Poverty, More Than During Recession

July 27, 2015 - Segment 4 - Last week, The Annie E. Casey Foundation released a report indicating that one in seven Maryland children live in poverty, more than at the depth of the Great Recession.
July 27, 2015

#BaltimoreTRANSuprising Rally & March To Uplift Voices Of Transgender Baltimoreans

July 22, 2015 - Segment 4 - We talk about the #BaltimoreTRANSuprising rally and march happening this Friday at 5:00pm at Charles and North. The rally and march are meant to lift up voices of transgender people in Baltimore.
July 17, 2015

Sound Bites: The Black Church Food Security Network

July 16, 2015 - Segment 3 - In our latest episode of Sound Bites, we take a look at an exciting and important new initiative that was just launched in Baltimore: The Black Church Food Security Network.
July 17, 2015

Can Communication Bring Police & Community Together In Baltimore?

July 15, 2015 - Segment 5 - We check-in on a Town Hall on Police-Community Relations taking place next week at the Real News Network Studios in Baltimore with Karim Ali, Omar Henderson and Jean Lloyd.
July 17, 2015

Breaking Down Recent Events: Police-Community Relations Across the United States & More

July 15, 2015 - Segment 2 - We discuss recent events to include the alleged strangling by a police officer of Jonathan Sanders, a 39-year-old unarmed Mississippi man.
July 17, 2015

The Firing of Pokomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewel

July 14, 2015 - Segment 3 - We take a look at Maryland's Eastern Shore, where Pokomoke City Police Chief Kelvin Sewell was fired because he refused to terminate two Black members of his agency, according to his attorney.
July 10, 2015

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Fires Baltimore Police Commissioner Anthony Batts

June 9, 2015 - Segment 2 - Our guest host Dr. Lawrence Brown discusses the breaking news that Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake has fired Police Commissioner Anthony Batts with a panel of guests.
July 10, 2015

Multi-City Meeting For Families Victimized By Police Violence

July 8, 2015 - Segment 3 - We talk to activist Tawanda Jones, sister of Tyrone West -- who was killed by Baltimore Police while in police custody -- about a multi-city meeting taking place that includes families who have experienced police violence.
July 7, 2015

Sound Bites: Fight For Food Sovereignty In Baltimore’s Sandtown-Winchester Neighborhood | What Fast Track Will Mean For Food & The Environment

July 2, 2015 - Segment 4 - On the newest episode of our series on our food and our world, we bring you the second part of our Good Food Gathering, titled Sandtown: Building a Model for Food and Jobs. Then, we talk about what the passing of Fast Track trade authority will mean for our food and the environment.
July 7, 2015

Focus On Homelessness In Baltimore: Eviction Of Homeless Encampment On MLK Blvd & Fresh Ideas For The Future

July 2, 2015 - Segment 3 - Anthony and his guests examine the issue of homelessness in Baltimore. With: Nyasha Dixon, advocate, artist, social justice entrepreneur, and creator of Save a Homeless Homie; and Adam Schneider, Director of Community Relations forHealth Care for the Homeless.
July 7, 2015

Former Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon Announces She Will Run Again

July 2, 2015 - Segment 2 - Thursday morning our guest host is Anthony McCarthy, Host of The Anthony McCarthy Show! Former Baltimore Mayor Sheila Dixon announced today that she is going to enter the race for her old job. What are her chances?
June 26, 2015

Sister Neighborhood Arts Program Focuses On Bringing Northwood Together

June 26, 2015 - Segment 4 - We feature another program that's doing good work in Baltimore, the Sister Neighborhood Arts Program (SNAP). With: Brian Francoise, Brion Gill aka Lady Brion, and Sheila Gaskins.
June 26, 2015

Maryland Historical Society Collecting Baltimore Uprising Artifacts

June 25, 2015 - Segment 3 - Joe Tropea, Digital Projects Coordinator for the Maryland Historical Society (MDHS), joins Dr. Lester Spence to discuss MDHS's new project to collect footage and images of the Baltimore Uprising.
June 26, 2015

Analyzing The Leaked Freddie Gray Autopsy Findings

June 25, 2015 - Segment 2 - Today the Baltimore Sun released results of the autopsy report of Freddie Gray, which indicate that he suffered from a "high-energy injury" to his neck and spine. We talk about the medical examiner's report and what this new information means for the case.
June 26, 2015

Symbols Of The Confederacy: Important Relics Of History Or Outdated Monuments Of Hate

June 24, 2015 - Segment 2 - As the Confederate flag is still flying on the South Carolina Capitol grounds, we have a discussion about the symbolism and meaning of flying that flag, as well as monuments to the Confederacy in Baltimore and beyond.
June 25, 2015

Local Roundtable: Liquor Stores, Baltimore Compact, and FOP

June 23, 2015 - Segment 2 - We have a local roundtable with topics including Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawling's Blake's vow to deny aid to liquor stores, call for a "Baltimore Compact," and disagreements with the police and Fraternal Order of Police.
June 25, 2015

The American Dream on Hold: Economic Challenges in the African American Community

June 22, 2015 - Segment 3 - We're joined by three Congresspeople to discuss the economic challenges and persistent inequities facing African American communities across the country
June 17, 2015

BWI Airport Workers Striking For Right To Join Union

June 17, 2015 - Segment 3 - A group of workers from BWI concessionaire Aero Service Group will be participating in a one-day strike today, 06/17. During the time they would have been at work, they’ll be visiting the Board of Public Works meeting in Annapolis in the morning, and holding a legislative briefing.