Arts and Culture

Archives of the show until 2018. For recent archives, go to: The Marc Steiner Show at the Real News Network

October 10, 2013

Fusion Partnerships: 15 Years of Community Organizing & Collaborative Action in Baltimore

October 10, 2013 - Segment 4 - We feature Fusion Partnerships, Inc., a local organization whose mission is to work through collaborative action to be a catalyst for justice and peace.
October 4, 2013

Adrian Legg: Eclectic Guitarist

October 3, 2013 - Segment 4 - We close out the show with a conversation with English guitar player Adrian Legg, who will play a concert this Saturday at Common Ground on the Hill. He is renowned on both sides of the Atlantic for his signature blend of music styles and mastery of both acoustic and electric guitar technique.
September 30, 2013

King Peggy: An American Secretary, Her Royal Destiny, and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village

September 27, 2013 - Hour 2 - King Peggy is the King of Otuam, a village in Ghana, and author, with Eleanor Herman, ofKing Peggy: An American Secretary, Her Royal Destiny, and the Inspiring Story of How She Changed an African Village, which is the Maryland Humanities Council's One Maryland One Book choice for 2013.
September 24, 2013

Banned Books Week: Censorship, Our Children and More

September 24, 2013 - Hour 1 - Have you ever read Toni Morrison's novel Beloved? Khaled Hosseini's The Kite Runner? Captain Underpants? Then you have read a banned book! Tuesday morning we observe Banned Books Week, a week celebrating the freedom to read.
September 18, 2013

Arts and Culture: Lea & Marc Talk CUPs, Music and More!

September 18, 2013 - Hour 2 - This week on our biweekly segment on Arts and Culture with Center for Emerging Media Cultural Editor Lea Gilmore, we focus on CUPs, a new coffeehouse in Baltimore's Hollins Market that trains and employs at-risk youth and young adults.
September 16, 2013

Playwright & Filmmaker David E. Talbert on “Baggage Claim”

September 16, 2013 - Segment 2 - We talk to David E. Talbert, a multiple award-winning playwright, novelist and filmmaker. His latest film Baggage Claim marks the first time an African American has written and directed a film that was adapted from his own novel.
September 12, 2013

Deep Voices: Black Men In The Arts

September 11, 2013 - Segment 4 - Actor, narrator, writer, and social commentator Keith Snipes co-hosts our second conversation focused on Black men in the arts. We discuss masculinity and talk about the importance of young people getting involved in the arts.
September 6, 2013

Urban Artillery: Wall Hunters Takes On The Slumlords Crippling Baltimore Neighborhoods

September 6, 2013 - Segment 2 - We hear from City Paper senior editor Baynard Woods about this week's feature story, "Urban Artillery: Wall Hunters takes on the slumlords crippling Baltimore neighborhoods."
September 3, 2013

Happy Labor Day! The State Of Labor In 2013 Featuring Our Favorite Labor Songs

September 2, 2013 - Hours 1 & 2 - Happy Labor Day! We celebrate with a 2-hour special of interviews and music. You will hear local activists, union members, and workers talk about what Labor Day means in 2013 and what major challenges workers face across the country, interspersed with songs by Woody Guthrie, Bo Diddley, Tracy Chapman, Joan Baez, and others.
August 29, 2013

Vibrant Opera Community At Morgan State University

August 29, 2013 - Segment 1 - Blues & Gospel singer, Center for Emerging Media Cultural Editor, and Director of Network Operations for the Moving MD Forward Network Lea Gilmore is in the house! Lea co-hosts a conversation about the Baltimore Summer Opera Workshop at Morgan State University.
August 28, 2013

Wil Haygood On The Butler

August 28, 2013 - Segment 4 - We are joined by author Wil Haygood, Guggenheim and National Endowment for the Humanities fellow, who wrote the 2008 Washington Post article that inspired the film Lee Daniels' The Butler: "A Butler Well Served by This Election."
August 28, 2013

This Week In The City Paper

August 28, 2013 - Segment 2 - This week, we begin a weekly look at the Baltimore City Paper. We're joined by the City Paper's Senior Editor Baynard Woods for an update on what's in this week's issue. Please visit the for more information.
August 22, 2013

The March: A Civil Rights Opera

August 22, 2013 - Segment 5 - We close out the show with librettist Alan Marshall, who talks about The March: A Civil Rights Opera, a new opera that explores the personal and political circumstances surrounding the 1963 March on Washington. The March will be performed on August 25th at Baltimore' s Enon Baptist Church.
August 20, 2013

Film & Culture: Lee Daniel’s The Butler

August 20, 2013 - Hour 1 - Lee Daniel's The Butler opened in theatres across the country this past weekend. We begin the show with a discussion of this film -- considering the various accolades and critiques of its storyline -- and an analysis of representations of African Americans in film in general.
August 14, 2013

Lea Gilmore On The Best Film, Books, And Movies

August 14, 2013 - Segment 3 We are joined by Lea Gilmore - songstress, activist, and Center for Emerging Media Cultural Editor - for a discussion with Marc about the music they've been listening to, movies they've been watching, theater they've been attending and books they've been reading. Callers join us to share their favorites as well.
August 14, 2013

Mobtown Moon

August 14, 2013 - Segment 2 - Lea Gilmore - songstress, activist, and Center for Emerging Media Cultural Editor - joins us to co-host a conversation with Sandy Asirvatham and ellen cherry, co-creators of Mobtown Moon, a project that involves 40 Baltimore-based musicians re-imagining the classic Pink Floyd album Dark Side of the Moon.
August 2, 2013

A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Everyman Theatre’s High School Acting Intensive

August 2, 2013 - Segment 3 - We close out the show with students from Everyman Theatre's High School Summer Acting Intensive, performing scenes from William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.
July 25, 2013

“The City Of Devi”: Manil Suri’s Newest Novel

July 23, 2013 - Segment 1 - Manil Suri, Mathematics professor at University of Maryland-Baltimore County (UMBC) and author of The Death of Vishnu and The Age of Shiva, joins us to talk about his newest novel, The City of Devi, a comedic love story that takes place on the brink of a nuclear war between India and Pakistan.
July 22, 2013

Panther Baby: A Life Of Rebellion And Reinvention

July 22, 2013 - Segment 3 - We bring you an interview from this spring's CityLit Festival with Jamal Joseph, activist, urban guerrilla, FBI's most wanted fugitive, poet, and filmmaker, who discusses his memoir, Panther Baby: A Life of Rebellion & Reinvention.
July 17, 2013

Ain’t I A Woman? African American Women And Feminism

July 17, 2013 - Hour 2 - This year marks the 162nd anniversary of Sojourner Truth's "Ain't I a Woman?" speech. Lea Gilmore joins us for a reading of that speech. Then, we discuss African American women and feminism with Lea Gilmore, dream hampton, Jodi Kelber-Kaye, and A. Adar Ayira.
July 11, 2013

Can Station North Save Baltimore City?

July 11, 2013 - Segment 2 - We turn to Baltimore's Station North Arts and Entertainment District, which was the subject of a City Paper article, "Can Station North Save The City?" We discuss revitalization, gentrification, and the state of arts in the city.
July 10, 2013

Common Ground On The Hill And Green Valley Samaritan Project

July 10, 2013 - Segment 2 - We take a look at the Common Ground on the Hill Festival, which is happening this weekend at the Carroll County Farm Museum in Westminster, Maryland. In addition, we talk with participants of the Green Valley Samaritan project, a group of volunteers in Arizona who go out into the desert to provide water for and assist migrants trying to cross the border from Mexico to the U.S.
July 8, 2013

Temple Grandin’s ‘The Autistic Brain’

July 5, 2013 - Hour 2 - We rebroadcast our inspiring interview with the amazing Dr. Temple Grandin. Author, professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University and a consultant on animal behavior to the livestock industry, Grandin talks about her latest book, The Autistic Brain: Thinking Across the Spectrum.
July 8, 2013

Fruitvale Station: New Film Explores Last Day Of Oscar Grant’s Life

July 4, 2013 - Segment 2 - We talk to filmmaker Ryan Coogler about his compelling new film Fruitvale Station, based on the true story of Oscar Grant, the 22-year-old Oakland, CA, man killed by a BART police officer on New Year's Day 2009.
June 27, 2013

Theatre Baltimore: Baltimore Performance Kitchen’s Romeo & Juliet

June 27, 2013 - Segment 2 - Actors Aldo Pantoja and LOVE the poet stop by to talk about the Baltimore Performance Kitchen's Romeo & Juliet, which features a diverse and dynamic cast that challenges our understanding of race and gender in this well-known story.
June 26, 2013

Best Children’s Books Of The Summer

June 26, 2013 - Segment 6 - We close the show with a conversation on the best children's books of the summer. We are joined by Jessica Brown, Children's Services Coordinator for the Enoch Pratt Free Library; and Paula Willey, part-time librarian at the Parkville branch of the Baltimore County Public Library.
June 19, 2013

Juneteenth: Holiday Commemorating The Abolition Of Slavery In Texas

June 19, 2013 - Segment 1 - We honor Juneteenth, the holiday commemorating June 19, 1865, when the abolition of slavery was announced in Texas. Center for Emerging Media Cultural Editor and renowned blues and gospel singer Lea Gilmore co-hosts a conversation about Juneteenth, as well as a celebration of classic female blues artists of the 1920s and 1930s.